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Harlow Town Park

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Harlow Town Park History

Occupying some 164 acres (check) mainly between First Avenue and the River Stort, this area consists of layers of clays and sands, the debris from the advance and retreat of three ice sheets, which traversed the area during the Great Ice Age. (Dates ?)

The River Thames cut a mile wide channel through this area before successive ice sheets forced it further south. The River Stort has since formed, draining part of the area left to the north of the River Thames. Man has been present here for at least 250,000 years, and has also left his mark on the area.

During the planning and development of Harlow "it was intended that everyone in Harlow should have natural landscape within walking distance of their home". The most interesting and varied features of the landscape, the wooded valleys, were left in their natural state for all to enjoy.

The exceptionally interesting topography of the Netteswell Cross Valley offered wonderful opportunities for the provision of a wide range of recreational amenities, which have since developed into the Town Park. The River Stort has become a key recreational feature. Historical linear paths and tracks have been conserved by incorporation into pedestrian footpaths and cycle ways.

with acknowledgements to: History Of Harlow
and Harlow: The Story of a New Town

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Last updated 12 May 2003

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